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November 19, 2007


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teresa collins


Your blog gave me the biggest smile. I love you so much and what a inspiration you are to me. I love how you parent your children and that you foster and teach them each day with love and example. You take the time to be there for them. I just want you to know that I think you are amazing!!!! Congrats to Sara- she is so talented. Teresa


oh goodness, congratulations miss Sara! that is awesome that she won a contest with her ever so talented self. i love that you can play with your girls and be artistic with them. you are an awesome mom and a wonderful person to look up to janna. she's lucky to have you as a mom and we are lucky to inspire us everyday.



how exciting! Congrats Sara! and when can we see the masterpiece? I have to say I love your cupcake!!! and I too think you are a wonderful artist!


Janna, you are such a wonderful mother. When I read about you and your kids...I can just FEEL the love you have for them. I love that you craft with them. I need to do that more with my kids.

Love the cards you have made w/ the paper flowers...so cute. Oh, and that cupcake canvas is awesome!!!


OMGosh that is soooo cool! Congrats to Sara!

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