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November 29, 2007


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OMG!! I LOVE Noteworthy! Congrats on your winnings! I won a box of Noteworthy goodies myself from Donna Downey and Making Memories a few weeks ago. Check it out here: http://scrapmyworld-dawn.blogspot.com/2007/11/inspirations_07.html and here: http://scrapmyworld-dawn.blogspot.com/2007/11/oh-yes-fed-ex-came-to-visit-my-house.html . I LOVE your tag! It is so CUTE!! There are so many great things on ALL the links above. I got very inspired and have so many new ideas. THANKS!! And..that bag is AWESOME and it sure is a STEAL!!! :-)


Hi Janna, I found your blog thru homegrown (my friend steph) and then put it together that your the one that bought my bag on our etsy shop. Love your blog, i'll check back soon! Your family is adorable!

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