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November 27, 2007


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I am right there with you on the tree situation. My baby is 10 mths old and I dread it too. It is in the stand and she has not bothered it yet, but once those pretty lights and breakable ornaments come out I know it will be too tempting! I have heard to put a circular gate set-up around the tree, but I think it will take away from the tree's beauty.


Can I just say, my son is 7 and he just wants to touch and play with all the ornaments all the time! He is so facinated. My parents recently ripped up all their carpet and put in all hardwood floors. Have to say, I really love it. Those pies look so GOOD! Tis the season for so much food. It is so crazy! By the way, very CUTE pic of Abby!!! :-)

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