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January 21, 2009


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Kim Faucher

I totally totally agree with you about the starting it in our homes...
I think, as a nation we are so quick to always blame the other guy.. kwim?
AS a parent, I do care about the country but my contribution begins with MY family first...
Then neighborhoods, communities etc...
so I totally get what your sayin!

I couldn't help but lol about the losing your post.. I have done that so many times.. and I hear that its common on typepad??
Its always the best written emails/posts I make that it happens to as well!!?? wonder why?
Love the picture... wish my dreams were that nice! lol
back to laundry and projects


I'd love to win the stamps if it's not too late. I also love your blog...my advise as a mom..."listen to the end and then freak out" You will be happy to know that our kids listen (and retain) more than we think they do.


I could not have said it better myself. I too believe government is not going to be the magic pill, we need to start at home. Thanks for your blog post, it got a girl thinking!
Have a great day!

fran heupel

Hi Janna,
I too have a child that is the same way. I sometimes feel that children have selective hearing. It's amazing when they need something done how quickly they come to you to get it done. I try and remind myself that I was a kid once too and that my Mom most likely feel the same way with 5 girls! I try not to sweat the small stuff and praise the good. Life passes us by too quickly.

Fran H

Gabriela Duclos

I have a child who is the exact opposite... so I would love "just happy". My boy is so sensitive that he is worried about volcanoes erupting around the world. Anyway, happy is good. Granted he also has selective hearing, so we are in the same boat.


Hi Janna, just wanted to say I love your blog, unfortunately I don't have any kids so I don't have any advice for you


Hey Janna!

I'm not a parent so I can't give you parenting advice...and let's just say i was a "spirited child"!!!

Love the new "studio" - if you need more room I'm more than willing to take the Kitchenaid mixer off your hands you know :)

Take care,

Lacey Baker

I didn't watch anything about the inauguration yesterday either. I just didn't feel like it. I agree with you though that change has to start at home. I just finished reading "Making Children Mind, Without Losing Yours," and I really like the approach Dr. Lemham uses in teaching children responsibility and how to make choices. If you haven't read it, its a good one. Have a good day!!


it sounds like you don't need any advice. just keep doing what you are doing.


Parenting advice? Remember - you'll always do the best you can do for your children. They may turn out as you hope, they may not - but, you do the best. As for being "strict", a friend & I have been having this discussion as we both have other 'friends' who think our strict ways with our own children are wrong. I so disagree with them! My daughter's not perfect, but I'm quite proud of the young woman she is, especially her ability to judge for herself, to tell the difference between right & wrong, etc.
What a great idea for a 'studio'! I'll have to remember that when I'm trying to find a good place to take photographs.


Hi Janna!
My boy too is very happy and relaxed. Right now we are trying to take on more responsibility. However, he is LOVING to read right now ~ A chapter book a day! (he just turned 7). So I'm trying to foster the love of reading and get him to do more around the house. It's tough balancing "let them be kids" and making them take on more responsibility. I tend to lean towards "let them be kids".

Nicole Q

I am right there with you on "change starts at home".
We recently moved to Alaska and chose not to have t.v./satillite installs (well, kind of forced since we live out in the middle of nowhere!)
This was something a year ago I never would have considered... I love my Little House on the Prairie reruns, LOST episodes and nighttime CSI. Nick Jr and the Disney Channel was a constant background noise.
But do you know... it is the BEST, and I mean THE BEST thing we have ever done as a family.
We have spent more time together... playing games, talking or reading on the couch, we got Guitar Hero Band and have so much fun playing that... the list goes on.
T.V. is so NOT an issue anymore.
I get more done. I am more invovled with the boys. We no longer say, "sssshhhh, I can't hear" or "just one minute, this is almost over".
My advice... pull the plug for one month (you go through withdrawls the first couple weeks! :) and see how it goes.
All this provided you currently do have cable in your home!

Valerie W

My kids are older (3 teenagers) and they are pretty good kids - so I must have done something right!! But now that they think they know more than me it is much harder. I have learned to choose my battles, otherwise I would be in the loony bin about now. I think you just love them and teach them right from wrong and hopefully they will learn from that. Love your "morning picture". You are too funny!

Jodie Reimink

My advice (although I don't always follow it) is to consider if the issue I'm struggeling with my children will matter 5 years from now. So often I get frustrated with all of the "little things" and I totally miss that eternal perspective. thanks!

Kim R

Love your blog today! I just went to my son's D.A.R.E graduation and the officer thanked all of all parents for the great job we were doing as parents. He said that it takes a village to raise a child and in that village are homes with you as parents.We are the foundation of their lives and togther we build that house of values. My advice for you as a parent is trust your gut. If something does not feel right then its not. Don't stop till you find out what's not right.

Erica G

Well, I'm not a parent so really can't give any advice. I love reading your blog though and would love some of your "goodies"!!!


Just like what Pres. Obama said in his speech yesterday "..... do the right thing.". This in parenthood is intuition. Trust your instinct. And I love your idea of the photography studio. I think I might just try that. And those stamps are so cute! Would love to be picked to win them.


Thank you for today's post. I always feel I could do better job at parenting. I feel I am too strict as well. I want my kids to be loving and kind.

Thanks for that photo tip. I have been wanting to purchase a white box for awhile. I love your idea and it is definitely cheaper!



Thanks for your blog today and the link to the Rich Girl Problem Blog. It is very thought provoking. It's not just our kids who complain about the little things. Think how often we do the same thing - traffic jams, impatience in the fast food line and on and on. Keep sharing - we are reading and listening.

Rhonda Palmer

I'm not a parent but I wish you all the happiness in the world. Yes, it starts at home. I wish a lot of people would realize this and maybe there wouldn't be so much drama in their lives. We've left the home and went out into the world and forgot where our heart truly is. Sad.


Hi Janna,
Thanks for sharing "real life" with us. I have three kids each with their own challenges. My youngest is my "happy" child, nothing bugs him(and if something does bug him I listen and react quickly because it rarely happens)my middle child has classic middle child syndrome (so my mom tells me)and my eldest is the smartest, helpfulest and bossiest of them all (so her little brothers tell me). I am still trying to figure out how to make sure I raise each child with their respective personalities and turn them into strong and wonderful adults. I just try to remember that everything starts with love, and if i put love first everything will turn out all right for each of them.
BTW i LOVE stamps!LOL

Becky Rico

It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job. Parenting isn't for whimps! LOL. The big thing around our house is no means no...it doesn't matter if you ask once or a thousand times.

Joann Scott

Janna... I laugh when you think you only have 7 people who read your blog.. :)

I check in once or twice a week in anticipation...of some 'Jannaisms'...cause I think you and I are very alike...and my friends...get a kick out of my 'Joannisms' in fact...a few keep a running spreadsheet of all the very funny twisted things I say!

As for your comments on parenting... I became a mom only a year ago...and I can't agree with you more. Everything truly does start at home... and we as parents are responsible for instilling these understandings in our kids... I have been loving seeing my little peanut grow and begin to shape his personality..and I will continue to ensure that he learns right from wrong...and always doing what is right.

Thanks for continuing to inspire me...both on your thoughts...as well as your crazy craftiness...:) that I aspire to be! :)


Wow! You are the smartest women...it is true that change starts at home.

Also, love your "photo studio" idea--I've been trying to figure out something that will work for crafty projects.

My best parenting advice is get down on their level when you are talking to them. I think it just helps both of you communicate better when you squat down and look them in the eyes---at least they can't pretend that you aren't talking to them!!

Shawnna Samples

totally love that bible verse
I find I say it to myself when I am being strict and really want to say WHATEVER

but "WHATEVER" doesn't always make for Christ LOVING, well RoUNdED Adults



I have no words of wisdom. I'm an aunt--and a darn good one--but not a mom. My nephew is always happy too. That makes it hard to discipline him. I was such a moody, pouty kid, so I love that he's so happy.
I'm gonna remember that--rich girl's problems.


wow when I read your post I thought that's exactly how I feel. I felt like I was the only american not watching the inaugaration yesterday.


Sounds like you've got the right idea...HOME! Thanks for the chance at the stamps.

Kim Arnold

My advice is to stay firm and consistent. COnsistency in your responses and requirements is the key (IMO anyway!!)


Parenting skills? I'm hoping I can learn a thing or two.....my daughter is almost three and is testing my patience! I count a lot. Not to hear, like 1-2-3....but to myself, 10-9-8-...it helps keep me sane. Or I go into the closet or the bathroom and shut the door. Just to hear a few seconds of silence is awesome!

Thanks for the tip on taking pictures. I have a piece of foamboard, so I guess I need to get another one.



I love you Photography studio! I love give aways too!!!!

Jenn L

Hi Janna! This post has me chuckling to myself....I have a 15 yr old who was very very HAPPY and in her own land starting at the same age of your DD....have to tell ya, she is STILL this way but its a good thing because her listening to rules and expectations has gotten much better along with her own sense of personal responsibility...Hang in there and just keep being the great fun mom that you are :)

Janet Zeppa

Gorgeous switchplate covers! LOL!! I am in envy of your double oven. Maybe one day. TFS!!!


i totally agree with you. i think that somewhere along the lines we became a "more is more" country, and both parents starting devoting all of their time to their jobs...leaving no one at home to raise the children - and I think that's what's lacking in this world today. parents NEED to be involved in their kids' lives...they need to know what their kids are doing, who they're spending their time with, ect. OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!! they are precious gifts from God, and it is our responsibility to give them the tools they need to be good people :)


you make me laugh Janna! no parenting advice here....but from here in California it sounds like you have it all headed in he right direction! :)


I am one of those Happy People, too. My daughters are both grown. When they were still at home, my first rule was put them first - they didn't ask to be born. By putting them first, you think about all of your actions & how it will affect your kids. You shower them with unconditional love, teach by example & do everything you can to help them grow into wonderful adults

Julie - iamstmpin@aol.com

I love that "sounds like a rich girl problem" line! I'll have to remember that one. Well I have twin daughters that are 16 and I'm truly trying to "pick my battles" and just not sweat the small stuff! They are good girls but the hormones are a ragging!


Oh girl you've made me laugh with this post. You are too funny. Regarding the parenting advice....continue focusing on what you want her to know and learn, but don't stress about it because as she grows older she will start maturing and acquiring responsibilities as she is supposed to. My daughter is the same way and so is my son. I think that they have a great example with you being their mom and I'm sure that once she gets a little older she will start listening and getting out of her la la land world, lol. Best of wishes. Parenting is never easy ha? ... oh, but what a pleasure it is. :-)

Alicia Sharp

Sorry, I don't have kids so I cannot offer any advise. I do love your photography studio tho! ;)

Erika Hyde

I read your post today and smiled to myself because my 7 y/o daughter is the SAME way. Drives me half crazy most days. :-) But like most parents, I try to just smile through the minor stuff and celebrate the great.


you don't think they are listening but they really are.....later you'll hear the same words/phrase idea come out of their mouthes and you'll think whoa, where did that come from ...of course just because they do hear you doesn't mean they will obey right now...when I reached the end of my rope with this I gave them a small taste of non-response to their mom, mom, mom would you help me with (whatever) and it got the point across....good luck


LOL you are too funny! My motto "chose your own battles". Sometimes it's better to let things go, if they're not too serious!!

Anita Scott

Love those stamps. My parenting advise is to always lead by example.

Shannon Hatfield

Yes, Janna, I agree with everything starting in our homes and with our families and children. I have my six year old boy and I can't be a perfect mother either. I try my best to raise him to do the "right thing" do what is in his best interest. I try my darn best to think of what God would want me to teach this child of his, as I am God's child too. It's just a day by day learning experience and if I make mistakes, I pick up and start over again! I try and always keep the line of communication open with my son and he's too young to be drawn into that sometimes. The more I work on that communication with him and the older he gets, the better off I figure we will be! Oh and I love the stamps ; )

Nancy J

Wow, I've been wondering how to take good pictures of my projects! My problem is that my flash ONLY points straight forward and it's BRIGHT! Any pointers?

Hope I'm not too late for the blog candy!


My parenting advice is to be consistent and have expectations for your children. Expectations that they will behave, do the right thing and be good contributing citizens!

Chris J

Ok Motherhood My husband and I decided that I would stay home raise our children while he worked he choose not to work really long hours so we could do things as a family on weekends etc. so they are now son 21 living at home full time job 7 days a week right now and can I say I did a great job he was going out on his bike 2 hours away so I told him just stay there if you have to cause I would rather him stay then ride at 2 in the morning he looks at me and say Mom you always say you stayed home so you could raise us to to be good adults responsible you should know better you did a great job trust what you did and gave me a hug and said he loved me and then went on his way . Okay I cried then and now remembering his words to me. Then I have a 19 and 15 year old daughter who I have to say are just as great. We are good friends but I am their mother and as for strict that I am. They always tell their friends that Mom will come and get any of them if they need me. Which I doubt they ever will as I believe its as much the friends they choose in life as well as family life. The kids go camping with us each year and if we go they go no eacape unless we sneak away for breakfast sunday morning and that is if we are really quite!! so family do togethers and good friends play the biggest role in children raising oh yeh and the word No as well. Ok I babbled long enough and would love to do some stamping.

Teresa  Davis

AMEN, sister...preach it!!!!! I absolutely agree that IT ALL starts at home. I do believe it is that simple too....you are doing the right thing with your "happy" girl...I had one of those too...I do understand what you are saying about the challenge of that kind of child. Congrats on getting up early...I'm still doing it too...would you believe I've had color on my hair since 6:40 and it's time to wash it out...I'm getting my highlights this afternoon and had to get that gray out!!!!

Laura T.

LOVE your photography studio --- VERY clever idea!!! I guess it would also work with black foam board.

DeVonne LaDue

My best advise is to Follow Through. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Communication is the best thing. Let them have some input too. I hope this helps. Love your blog!

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