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January 06, 2010


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Great to hear your story Janna! I'm in need of a good weight loss to but have had a hard time motivating myself. I'm going to be following you & get inspired by you as well.

Go Janna!


Thanks for sharing your story Janna. You look fantastic!


i read. i support!

Kay B.

Janna, you look fantastic! I saw Dr. Don colbert on a couple of different shows this week. He has a book called "I Can Do This Diet" I have ordered it, it sounded good. He did talk about Plateaus and the reason people hit them. Keep up the motivation!


Cheering for you Janna! I need to get back 'on the wagon' myself. Was doing so well before the holidays!


You go girlie!
I am with you on the adult ADD and exercising! I get bored with the same exercise and eating the same foods, so dieting is ridiculously hard, but I will wear a bathing suit this summer that doesn't resemble a mumu!!

Martha Galvez

Hi Janna,

I am so glad I am not alone! I lost 75 lbs before I had my daughter with Weight Watchers and I just joined back, we should check on each other to stay motivated...Good Luck!


Good for you Janna! I am on a similar journey and it is inspiring to read about other people making it happen. I love how you say this isn't a diet, it's changing your lifestyle. Love it. I feel the same but have a hard time explaining that to people.

I should dig out a high school picture to inspire myself (and to think I thought my 160lb self back then was so big... it was just perfect for me... I'm no chicken-boned girl!)

Kari M

That is so awesome! Congratulations! I, too, have a similar story - I NEVER thought I could lose weight, and decided that if I didn't start I definitely wouldn't, so I didn't have anything to lose. Started small, walking, then intervals of jogging (amazing! the weight drops really quickly when you are jogging - and it doesn't have to be much, I did 2-3 intervals of 2 minutes each in the beginning, but it gets so much easier!), making small changes in my eating habits. And what you said, I realize now, is so TRUE: being fat is psychological! I've lost 40 lbs so far! I figure that even though it took a year, who cares? If I hadn't tried I'd still be fat now, a year later.

Anyways, great job! Keep it up!

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