« I wanna be a BIGGER LOSER! | Main | Week 1: 51 pages to go! »

January 06, 2010


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Ronda Simpson

Love your thoughts! Thanks for sharing!! :)

Melissa MK

Thank you for sharing your weight loss journey with us. I have decided this year to start that journey as well. I want to be healthier for myself and my family. Keep up the great work! I also love your scrappy goodness you post as well! :0


Great ideas, Janna!! I'm on an "eating healthier journey" and need all the tips I can get! :)

Erin Blair

"SNACK-rifice"...Great word, great concept...gonna steal it!


great snack idea! thanks for the tip! I am with you in your weight loss journey. My goal is 25 pounds less as of todaY!

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