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January 05, 2010


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Dawn Tavela

Love this! It may even motivate me to get my butt back in gear! I will have to think a while on the reward part. Give me some time and I will get back to you...

Ronda Simpson

That's awesome!!! I think I will also keep up and join you! I love the motivation! I'll have to think on the reward idea....How exciting!


Hilarious! I did the same dang thing! I trained for and ran a 5K in June and then didn't exercise all summer. AHHHH... I have about 50lbs to my goal weight and on the 30th (Dec) I said "enough" and now do min 20 minutes of something almost everyday (only missed 2 days so far!!). I am also doing a 30 day cleanse to help get me going. Thanks for the honest post! It is nice to read...

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