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February 11, 2010


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Just to cute !!
Would like to add to some Of My Dove Chocolate Discoveries gifts I am giving away..


adorable!!!...thanks a bunch janna! :)


This is sooo cute, Janna! I love it!

Sarah Doyle

so very cute Janna!! thank you:)

Christine Parker

Yet another jewel of an idea found on your blog! Thanks so much.


thanks for the freebie!! love your LO style!! hope you're stayin warm!! have a good weekend!!

Donna C

THANK YOU MISS JANNA! These are AAAAAdorable!! Happy love day!

Lan Amphone

So cute! thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for the printables! I'm using them for my kids' Valentine's gifts - they're perfectly cute.


Thanks Janna! Time to incorporate one of them into the mini I'm doing for my husband... nothing like procrastinating. :)



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