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February 02, 2010


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Christine Hicks

Janna, I wasn't able to successfully locate your e-mail addie on the sidebar but wanted the opportunity to tell you I spent an hour or more last night filtering through all your pages & projects. I soooo enjoyed doing so. I printed several pages to lift while attending a crop this Friday {thanks for that}. You and your 3 children are so beautiful! Thanks for your creative gifts.

Tina Crocker

Janna, I just wanted to say I'm glad you are feeling better now. I think you got all our snow as we haven't had a decent winter yet and this is Canada! Everyone up North keeps getting it but we just get the flurries...pretty and all but not much fun...lol. Anyways, have a great day.


It has only snowed one time so far here in Idaho (Lewiston). Bummer for the kids not getting to play in the snow and for mom not getting great pics to scrap! I have been doing the Shred DVD too and the first time was a killer. I could not believe how it kicked my butt, and I work out a lot! But, I love how I feel afterwards. A lil scared to move up to level 2! LOL!

Dawn Tavela

WOW! Looks like everyone is having a blast! Do you think your hubby would pull me around on a sled with the 4 wheeler. It looks like so much fun! We have yet to build a snowmasn here this Winter, but it is always a good time!

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