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May 07, 2010


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awesome janna! you are quite the inspiring lady! exciting to get an actual newsletter from you!

Christine Hicks

Janna, Did you print on the printasia matte paper and then somehow transfer to the sheet music or can I simply print directly onto sheet music?


Christine- the sheet music is part of the graphic...yours will look just like mine when you print it! Thats it!


Thanks for your sweet note, Kristin! Have a nice weekend!

Dawn Tavela

Am I already signed up for your newsletter or do I need to sign up again?

Peg Parsons

Perfect idea Janna - the entire project is darling!!!! TFS :-)

Scrappin Cheryl

I'm excited about your newsletter! No bribery needed :D I signed up! Love the framed art project - that will be nice!! Thanks!


Very sweet, but I would need an 8 :(

Christine Hicks

Soooo making this ASAP! Thanks JW and many blessing to you on Mommy's day :)


You are so welcome, Christine!


Thanks Janna I can't wait to print out my House of 3! Have been a fan for quite awhile been inspired by our creations in magazines for years.


You know I love everything you do, don't you?!??! :) Lovely.


Kelly! So nice to hear from you gal! Hope all is well and thanks for the kind post!


I just signed up and thanks for sharing your wonderful talents


Love the numbers with musci


Here's the one I made: http://shareandremember.blogspot.com/2010/06/house-of-3.html

Thank you!


hi! i signed up for the newsletter, but not sure where to get the file for the 'house of 4' printout? thanks


Hi Kristi-- I emailed you! jw


I signed up for your newsletter. Can I get the house of 3 download?

Beth in the Heartland

Hi Jana - just found your post and love your printables! Can I please get the House of 4? TIA!


Hi Janna, I have somehow lost the DL for the House of 2 & 3, can I beg the link again please? Have signed up for Newsletter. I have had theis DL before from you. Thanks for any help you can give :-)



Jeanine- The link above is located the first thing under freebies...right hand collum here on the blog. It has all available numbers. Thx!!! Enjoy! Janna


Thanks so very much Janna oyu're wonderful :-)


such a cute idea!


Hi Janna!
I love what you do! I went through the link you posted for the "House of 4" and was unable to get it to download. 2 and 3 worked fine, however. Is the link broken or am I doing something wrong.


I signed up for your newsletter. I love your blog...so many good ideas. Thanks for all your hard work. Can I get the house of 4? Thanks

Janna Padilla

I just signed up for your newsletter and am anxious to print House of 4 for my wall! I don't often find Janna spelled the way that ours is spelled---so I'm equally excited about that!!! :) Thanks! Can't wait to see more of your stuff! ~from another Janna


Thanks for stopping in, Janna!!!
Come back and visit!  Be sure and shoot me a pic of your creation if you get time!
Take care!  jw



Hi i signed up for your newsletter about a year ago can i get house of 4 please,for some reason i'm not getting it please help.
Thank you.

Jessica Stone

I've signed up before for your newsletter. I would like to print a House of 4 but for some reason it is blurry when it prints. Thanks!


Hi Janna,

So I've have loved and given your darling print to many-a-mommy, as they've added to their households (usually bringing your print framed when I bring supper to a new mom) since I discovered your fabulous print in 2010. Since then we've added to our own house of 6...twice! But this time, I think I've out-numbered myself. PUN-intended!! Do you have a house of 8?!? If not, would you consider making one more number print?!?! We all couldn't thank you enough!!! Eight is enough. Promise. ;-)

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    Hello! Thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoy some fun inspiration, free downloads and getting to know a little about what I love! Please remember all content (including text, images, and artwork) is ©Janna Wilson, unless noted otherwise. Please enjoy my artwork, designs and freebies for your personal inspiration only.

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