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May 28, 2010


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Donna C

Thanks so much Miss Janna!! Love your latest (and all of them!) layout with the cutie hubby!

Michelle @ [ real neat ]

Thanks for the link love! ;)


thank you so much for the printable journaling cards!! i have just found your blog and i love your creations!
great stuff!!

Scrappin Cheryl

Thanks Janna! Love the journaling cards! That's a great LO you used it on!

I also picked up the chore chart. This may save me some nagging! :D We'll see!


so cute! Miss you friend..did you get my email???


Love those printables! Thanks so much for sharing your great ideas! I too love OrgJunkies.com and use their stuff a bunch. I especially love their MenuPlan Monday sheet. It has helped me a lot!

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