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June 22, 2010


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alicia king

i love the vintage farm blog! her house is so cute! i wish i lived closer again, i'd be buying a lot of her stuff!

i would say paint the shelving either black or a darker tone than your walls! either one will make the fireplace stand out! i say no red...because of you wanting to do accent furniture & decor! that's my help :)


I love, love, love, your frame display on the wall! I have a HUGE - 4'x5' open frame on my wall with a whole collage on the inside! Anyways, I also have lots of black furniture - entertainment center, sideboard, benches, etc...and it is one heck of a pain to dust! (we live on a farm and dirt is abundant) anyways, if you don't mind dusting then black would be gorgeous! But if not then I'd go with the darker tan too....not red. Your website is amazing by the way...super talented!


I love all your old frames on the wall. Okay you didn't have this option there really but from these pictures the shelving unit and fireplace seem so dark. I'd say paint it something light because from these pictures it just looks so dark there. Is it the actual wood you are painting. If so then maybe paint the wood a darker color but the wall behind it something light.



Just a heads up that I’ll be featuring your free printables on your blog this coming Friday at Mom Undecided. http://momundecided.blogspot.com/

Love your blog!

[email protected]

Kim M

The whole thing blends in too much, you definitely should paint. I think I would go for red, something bold, it would give the room just the dash of color it needs without having to buy new furniture or accessories (paint is such a cheap way to bring new life to a space).

Cary Bright

I am torn... the wood adds warmth to the room but all the lineal lines compete with the brick because you have no real focal point or "center" to that whole wall. go to pioneerwomancooks.com, click on the home and garden tab and look at Hyciaths house project. She had similar problems and solved it with changing the backing of the cabinets with color. (she has a bit more modern tastes too). I think you could paint the back a deep red. Think about removing the rack of shelves on the left OR right so the TV could set more centered in this new space(and a bonus... you could have a bigger TV). Thus providing a new center point. Remove the doors on the cabinet to the right and come up with decorating epherma and a few silk green plants to place on these new "shelves". Now the space is more open, with things to soften the lineal look and balance with the brick. I would also add a thick, crown molded trimed mantal "shelf box" to the brick fireplace that would hold something tall or a large round mirror balanced on it, again breaking up all the lineal lines and help move your eye around the area... not just ping pong back and forth. (Remember that triangle from scrap pages!) With all that said, I think the wood can stay as it is with all the color moving around the room as accents... even the red couch! LOVE the FRAMES!Happy Decorating
Washington State


paint it creamy white!


Good idea, Jen!  Love your shop by the way!!  SO SWEET!!!

Monika Davis

Janna - I bought the Advent Calendar Box from Kaiser craft after seeing the projects in the magazine. I expected it to be assembled and it is not and there aren't any instructions either. I'm guessing I have to break apart or cut apart the pieces in order to build the box - is that correct? I looked on their site for instructions and could not locate any. Since you made one of them I was hoping you could help. Thanks,
Monika Davis


Hi Monika!  I emailed you! ;)

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