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July 16, 2010


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thank you! i really love your blog... found you through amy over at positively splendid. it's become one of my favs... and you're always so generous with your printables. thanks!


Thanks for stopping by Malia!


{sent from my iPhone}

Mandy Doolittle

Thank you so much! This is adorable! I can't wait to use it.

Sonda T

oh Janna these are so juicy!! Thanks so much! Would even be a great addition to our June kits for those that bought them.


Thank You! These are just perfect for some strawberry cookies I am making for a friend. Unfortunately, when I go to download it is just a black screen. Any info or help would be much appreciated!

Nancy caiaizzo

What program do you use to design these?


Hi Nancy- I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Sent from my iPad

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