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July 19, 2010


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i think we can all relate... life can always bring so many challenges, inspirations, fun things and new beginnings... big or small...
Wish you all the best my dear! and I cant wait to see ya at IU!!


There's nothing wrong wrong with beans for dinner! : ) I've been praying for you girl...that it will all work out and you will have a peace about going back to school. Start small...just take one class or maybe two. Ease back into it.

I know as a momma, we always put ourselves on the back burner...move yourself onto the front and light that fire girl! I have full faith in you Janna Wilson!

And girl, what in the world is this gibberish about you being a real designer someday...psst, you are!



Ah sweet girl, I have lots of the same things on my mind. I wanted to tell you that you will never regret going back to school, it feels so good to excercise your mind in a different way than what you've been used to. I think of you often and I'll be praying that it's a smooth transition for you all. Big (((HUGS))), Houston


Houston...your note means so much!  I think about you too!!!  Going to CHA?  Not me...I wish!  Thanks so much for the encouragement. :)


Kim! Your are always so positive and encouraging! Thanks so much for your note and the prayers! I need them!!!


{sent from my iPhone}

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