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November 15, 2010


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Jennifer Yates

Hi Janna! That photoshop project is priceless!!! LOVE the magazine cover, you are sure to get an A+!!! :) I'm such a fan of your jewelry and NEED to get one of the rings for my collection! SO CUTE! I wear the white flower you gave me on my denim jacket and get complements all the time! :) Loved your booth hope you did well!

Dawn Tavela

Wow! Look at all the goodness you have created. No wonder you have not gotten much sleep! Everything is beautiful. I wish I lived closer. I hope that you are least making some time for yourself inbetween all the craziness. :-)


WOW Janna, your photoshop is awesome! Hope you are still enjoying school, the deadlines get us all the time!

Cute banners and pillows too!
Happy Thanksgiving!


wow...nice photoshop skills editing that photo so well. You're cute old ! I couldn't have the courage to try to imagine myself old ! I just don't want to believe I'm going to be old !!! :)

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