Two days left.
So much to think about.
So much to do.
Sara's birthday is the 31st.
Fifteen. What?
Lots of wonderful memories from the holidays this year. So fun. And this little guy will be 7 in two weeks. Hello. Seriously?
I've got two precious weeks before my final semster of school commences. Just 12 hours of classes to complete my degree. I CAN NOT WAIT to be done. Can't wait. I think I may be fibbing to myself - whispering, things can be normal again when you're done. Life will resume. I hope that is true. I dream of having normal evenings and weekends and no worry of trying to juggle the family, a home PLUS homework. Weekends free to craft or bake or just be lazy instead of stealing away too many hours to catch up on school work.
2013 has been good. We made it- blessed with health, happiness and contentment. No regrets for 2013. I had to make a few hard decisions, and looking back, I know that I was moved to do the right thing (thanks to many prayers). There were so many wonderful blessings...too numerous to list. Thankful and humbled.
So many things to look forward to in 2014.
No resolutions but I do have a few wishes for the new year. I wish I could do it all.
I wish I could be a better mama and homemaker and earn a living and finish school and design meaningful things and capture all the moments and keep the house and cook good dinners and be a good example and be a runner again and lose 50 lb. and be healthy and have it all together.
What I know-
...that God has made my journey (school) possible for me to something good for others- small or great, I know it is for a reason.
...I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. I have no doubt.
...that I will NEVER be able to do it all.
...a little hustle will help conquer what's gotta get done :)